

Composer provides an MVC structure for you to build your app on top of. It also provides the glue between all objects, which is eventing.

Read on to learn more about how Composer organizes things top-level and how it all fits together.


By far the most important piece of Composer is eventing. An event is an action. It could be a user clicking a button in a view. It could be a model getting new data added to it. It could be a collection removing a model.

Events are what tie everything in Composer together. A model doesn’t know what views it’s being rendered in and how to re-render them. It doesn’t care. It just fires a change event and any controllers that are listening will re-render by themselves.

This way of thinking, although it takes some getting used to, allows for very complex applications that are highly modular and maintainable.

Every object in Composer extends the event class, giving them all the same eventing abilities.


Composer at its core is comprised of three main pieces: Models, Collections, and Controllers.


A Model is a representation of a piece of data: a user, an address, a song, etc. The easiest way to think of a model is that it’s one record in a database table.


A Collection is a, well, collection of models. Think of it as a database table.


Lastly, a Controller ties the DOM/view to our data. What this means is that a controller will set up your view and listen for events:

  • Events in the view itself: a button click, a swipe, etc.
  • Events from the models it’s displaying

It will act on these events and either update a model with data from the view (say if a form was posted) or re-render the view with new data from a model.

This allows models to know nothing about rendering or the view, and allows the view to not worry about what models to notify if data changes. The controller is the piece that ties the two together.