

A collection is an object that stores a flat list of models. Essentially an array. However, collections are important because, like models, they emit various events you can hook into to make building your app a lot easier. They also provide a number of convenience functions for handling the contained models.

A collection can contain many models, and a model can exist in many collections. This is in contrast to many other MVC frameworks where a model is only allowed to exist in one collection.

Collections will also forward various events from the contained models (triggering the events that happen to the models on itself), which allows for monitoring a group of models all together.


Collections have a number of built-in events you can tie into:


Triggered when a new model is added to a collection. Arguments passed:

  • the model being added
  • the collection adding the new model
  • the options passed to the add function.


Triggered when a model is removed from the collection. Arguments passed:

  • the model being removed


Fired when an upserted model is put into a new position (it wasn’t added, but its position changed). No arguments passed.


Fired when an existing model is upserted. If a new model is upserted, add is triggered instead. Arguments passed:

  • the model being upserted
  • the options passed to upsert


Fired when a collection is cleared. No arguments passed.


Triggered when a collection is reset with new data. Arguments passed:

  • the options passed to reset.


This is the collection class. It extends Composer.Base, giving you everything base has.

model :: attribute(Composer.Model)

This is a parameter tells the collection what object to use for newly created models.

sortfn :: function(a, b)

If specified, newly added models will be sorted based on this function before being inserted into the collection. Note that sorting is only done on insertion, and if the data in your models changes, the sort may not be correct.

If you need a collection that maintains sort order of your models as they update, see the Filter collection.

url :: attribute(“/mycollection”)

Tells the collection what URL base the models should use (assuming they don’t have a URL manually specified) when calling the Composer.sync function.

priority :: attribute(1)

Used mainly to determine which collection to derive the URL from when a model calls get_url.

initialize :: function(models, params, options)

The constructor. models can be an array of either Composer.Model objects, or an array of flat data. If data is passed instead of models, the model parameter is used to determine what kind of model to create.

params allows setting top-level values into the collection on instantiation (such as the model parameter or sortfn).

options is a hash object that can be passed in to various operations in the contructor. Note that options can contain silencing directives.

Note: unless you know what you’re doing, you shouldn’t overwrite the initialize function. Use init instead.

init :: function()

Called on creation of a new collection. Can be used to set up bindings or other initialization work. Meant to be overridden.

toJSON :: function()

Calls Model.toJSON on every contained model and shoves the results into a nice array. This is nice for serializing a collection into JSON or another format.

models :: function()

Returns a javascript array of the contained models.

size :: function()

Returns the number of models held in this collection.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'bella'}, {name: 'sally'}, {name: 'andrea'}]);
alert('Size: '+ collection.size());

add :: function(data, options)

Add a new model to the collection. data can be a javascript hash object, a Composer model, or an array of either. In the case that data is a javascript object (or an array of objects), each object is used to create the model object given under Collection.model. This lets a collection maintain a certain model type for added data.

options can contain the following items:

  • at - insert the model at a specific integer index in the collection’s data
  • accurate_sort - see notes for sort_index

Note that options can also contain silencing directives.

var collection = new Composer.Collection();
collection.add([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
alert('Hello, '+'name'));

remove :: function(model, options)

Remove a model from the collection. model must be a Composer model object. If a model is passed that isn’t in the current collection, no changes are made.

Note that options can also contain silencing directives.

upsert :: function(data, options)

Upsert a model (insert if it doesn’t exist, otherwise update the existing model with the given data). data can be a javascript hash object, a Composer model, or an array of either. The model passed to upsert doesn’t need to be the same reference as the existing model, only the IDs ( need to match.

options can contain the following items:

  • at - insert the model at a specific integer index in the collection’s data

Note that options can also contain silencing directives.

var collection = new Composer.Collection();
collection.add({id: '1212', name: 'larry'});
collection.upsert(new Composer.Model({id: '1212', name: 'sandra'}));
alert('New name: '+ collection.first().get('name'));

clear :: function(options)

Clear (remove) all models from the collection. Fires remove events for each model removed. Also fires the clear event if any models were removed.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

reset :: function(data, options)

Reset the models in the collection with new ones. This is the same as a clear followed by an add.

Fires the reset event.

options can contain the following items:

  • append - boolean indicating of the given data should be appended to the current data (as opposed to the current data being wiped first)
  • upsert - boolean indicating that the given data should be upserted (updated if existing, added otherwise). Forces {append: true}. This is useful for updating a large number of items in the collection with new data without removing/re-adding everything.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

var collection = new Composer.Collection({name: 'shemp'});
collection.reset([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
alert('Have '+ collection.size() +' models!');

reset_async :: function(data, options)

Like reset, except that data is added incrementally per event cycle, triggering a reset event when complete.

options can contain the following items:

  • append - boolean indicating of the given data should be appended to the current data (as opposed to the current data being wiped first)
  • upsert - boolean indicating that the given data should be upserted (updated if existing, added otherwise). Forces {append: true}. This is useful for updating a large number of items in the collection with new data without removing/re-adding everything.
  • complete - a function of 0 arguments that gets called when the operation completes
  • batch - an integer telling reset_async how many items of our given data to add to the collection at once (defaults to 1). Useful for tunning your latency-to-loop-blocking ratio.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

var collection = new Composer.Collection();
collection.reset_async([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}], {
    complete: function() {
        alert('Done, have '+ collection.size() +' models!');

sort :: function(options)

Sorts the models in the collection, manually, using sortfn. Fires the reset event on completion.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

sort_index :: function(model, options)

Returns the index (in Collection.models()) of the given model. If no sortfn property is present in the collection, returns false.

options can contain the following items:

  • accurate_sort - boolean indicating whether or not to sort the collection’s items using sortfn before returning the index of the given model. If false, it assumes the models are already sorted correctly (since they are sorted on add). If true, the models are sorted before returning the index. true is much more accurate, but a large performance hit on larger collections.

sort_at :: function(n, options)

Returns the model at the position n of the sorted models.

options can contain the following items:

  • accurate_sort - boolean indicating whether or not to sort the collection’s items using sortfn before returning the model. If false, it assumes the models are already sorted correctly (since they are sorted on add). If true, the models are sorted before returning the index. true is much more accurate, but a large performance hit on larger collections. Note that false (the default) makes this function behave the same as at.

parse :: function(data)

Allows pre-processing of data from external API sources before adding to the collection (see Model.parse).

each :: function(callback, bind)

Runs the given callback (optionally bound to bind’s scope) on each model in the collection (the only argument being the model itself).

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'sasha'}, {name: 'sandra'}]);
var res = [];
collection.each(function(m) { res.push(m.get('name')); });
alert('Names: '+ JSON.stringify(res));

map :: function(callback, bind)

Runs a javascript map on the models in the collection using the callback as the map function (optionally bound to bind’s scope), aggregating the results into the returned array.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'sasha'}, {name: 'sandra'}]);
var res = { return m.get('name'); });
alert('Names: '+ JSON.stringify(res));

find :: function(callback, sortfn)

Finds the first model that callback returns true for. Optionally allows specifying a sortfn, which is applied on a copy of the models (doesn’t actually change the model sort in the collection) before the find operation begins.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
var moe = collection.find(function(m) { return m.get('name') == 'moe'; });
alert('Found moe? '+ (moe ? true : false));

exists :: function(callback)

Like find, but just returns true if at least one model is found that satisfies callback.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
alert('Found curly? '+ collection.exists(function(m) { return m.get('name') == 'curly'; }));

get :: function(id, options)

Find a model in the collection by its ID.

options can contain the following items:

  • fast - boolean, tells find_by_id to only lookup models by their index (collections store an id -> model hash lookup, but the feature is new and this flag will remain off by default until it’s better vetted).
  • strict - boolean passed to the call to
  • allow_cid - boolean indicating if we are allowing a match on CID (client ID) as well as a normal ID.
var collection = new Composer.Collection([{id: 3, name: 'larry'}, {id: 6, name: 'curly'}, {id: 9, name: 'moe'}]);
var larry = collection.get(3);
alert('Found larry? '+ (larry ? true : false));

find_by_cid :: function(cid, options)

Exactly like get, except that it specifically searches using models’ CID values instead of ID. This is useful if you need to look for models that may or may not have a real ID (but all objects have a CID assigned on creation, so there will always be a CID).

options can contain the following items:

  • fast - boolean, tells find_by_cid to only lookup models by their index (collections store an cid -> model hash lookup, but the feature is new and this flag will remain off by default until it’s better vetted).

index_of :: function(model_or_id)

Returns the index of the given model (or model’s ID) in the collections models.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{id: 3, name: 'larry'}, {id: 6, name: 'curly'}, {id: 9, name: 'moe'}]);
var larry = collection.index_of(6);
alert('Larry index: '+ larry);

filter :: function(callback, bind)

Returns an array of models that callback (optionally bound to bind’s scope) returns true for.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
var has_r = collection.filter(function(m) {
    return m.get('name', '').match(/r/i);
alert(has_r.length + ' models have "r" in the name');

select :: function(selector)

Convenience function that allows “selecting” models based on an object query language (a very, very limited language!). Returns an array of models where the values given in the selector object match those keys in the models (using an and (&&) logic operation…all key/value pairs must match).

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
var res ={name: 'curly'});
alert('Found '+ res.length + ' result(s)');

select_one :: function(selector)

Exactly like select, but only returns the first match.

first :: function(n)

Returns the first model in the collection. If n is optionally specified, returns an array of the first n models in the collection.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
var first = collection.first()
alert('First is '+ first.get('name'));

last :: function(n)

Returns the last model in the collection. If n is optionally specified, returns an array of the last n models in the collection.

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
var last = collection.last()
alert('Last is '+ last.get('name'));

at :: function(n)

Returns the model at the index n (zero-based indexing).

var collection = new Composer.Collection([{name: 'larry'}, {name: 'curly'}, {name: 'moe'}]);
var second =;
alert('Second is '+ second.get('name'));

fetch :: function(options)

This function uses the Composer.sync to grab a list of models from your app’s API. If successful, the data returned is reset into the collection.

options can contain the following items:

  • success - callback called if the operation completed successfully
  • error - callback called if operation failed

Note that options can contain silencing directives.