
List Controller

The list controller is an extension of the controller that allows you to easily create subcontrollers that track a collection (or filtercollection).

The idea is that when a new model is added to the tracked collection, a new sub-controller is created and injected into the correct position in the DOM (based on the model’s sort order in the collection). When the model is destroyed or removed from the collection, the subcontroller is released and removed from the DOM.

This is a very simple but highly effective way to update the DOM based on a collection while only having to hook up a few wires.


The list controller fires all events that Composer.Controller fires, but also fires a few events to help you manage your views. The following events allow you to show empty state views depending on how the data in the collection changes (for instance, you’d show a “No items!” view when list:empty is fired, and you’d render your <ul class="items"></ul> when list:notempty fires:


Triggered when the collection the list controller listens to becomes empty after previously not being empty.


Triggered when the collection the list controller listend to has elements added to it after previously being empty.


This is the list controller class. It extends Composer.Controller, giving it all the Controller’s abilities.

track :: function(collection, create_fn, options)

This method starts tracking a collection, syncing the subcontrollers with the models in that collection. Subcontrollers are created using the create_fn, which takes two arguments (the model being tracked, and the options that were passed to the collection’s add or reset call) and returns an instance of Controller or any class that extends it.

options can contain the following items:

  • bind_reset - If true, will bind to the collection’s reset event. Because the ListController already binds to add, remove, and clear, binding to reset isn’t really needed and doing so may hinder performance. However if you need to be able to refresh the list in its entirety, pass true to bind_reset and any reset event on the collection will refresh all the subcontrollers.
  • accurate_sort - passed in to sort_index and sort_at when adding items
  • container - This is the element we render our child controller into. This element also comes through in the create_fn’s options object. This option is new as of Composer v1.2.1 and does a few things:
    1. Tells the xdom system to ignore the container element’s children when rendering, meaning you can call Controller.html() all you want without having to also re-render all the children in your ListController. This only applies if using xdom.
    2. Enables fragment rendering by default.

    Note that container can be a function that returns an element. See a usage example below.

var UserItemController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    tag: 'li',
    model: null,

    init: function()

    render: function()
        this.html('Hi, my name is '+ this.model.get('name'));

var UserListController = Composer.ListController.extend({
    elements: {
        'ul': 'el_list'

    collection: null,

    init: function()

        // set up tracking to inject subcontrollers into our <ul>
        this.track(this.collection, function(model, options) {
            return new UserItemController({
                inject: this.el_list,
                model: model

    render: function()
new UserListController({
    inject: '#listtrack',
    collection: new Composer.Collection([
        {name: 'chuck'},
        {name: 'bruce'},
        {name: 'tony'}

Example: using container

This is very similar to the above example, but we’ll be using the container option here.

var UserItemController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    tag: 'li',
    model: null,

    init: function()

    render: function()
        this.html('Hi, my name is '+ this.model.get('name'));

var UserListController = Composer.ListController.extend({
    elements: {
        'ul': 'el_list'

    collection: null,

    init: function()

        // set up tracking to inject subcontrollers into our <ul>
        this.track(this.collection, function(model, options) {
            return new UserItemController({
                // options.container can be the element we passed into track()
                // or if can be a document fragment. we don't really care, we
                // can just transparently inject our child controller into it
                inject: options.container,
                model: model
        }.bind(this), {
            // this makes the ListController aware of the element we're rendering
            // into, and also enables fragment rendering by default
            container: function() { return this.el_list; }.bind(this)

    render: function()
new UserListController({
    inject: '#listtrack-frag',
    collection: new Composer.Collection([
        {name: 'chuck'},
        {name: 'bruce'},
        {name: 'tony'}

release :: function(options)

Exactly like Controller.release but on top of releasing the current controller, releases all sub-controllers as well.


The ListController ties into the xdom system to make sure the child controllers it renders are not removed when the ListControllers html() function is called. The main way to enable this is to use track()’s container option.

See a ListController with xdom enabled in action.