

The model object is the heart of composer. Almost all data in your app will exist in one model or another. Models not only store data, but make it very easy to tie into various actions that occur on models (via eventing) as well as syncing your data to your servers (assuming you have them).


Models have a number of built-in events you can tie into.


Fired any time data in the model is changed. Note that all change:<field> events will fire before change is fired. Arguments passed:

  • the model being changed
  • the options passed to the changing function (set, unset, etc)
  • the full data the change occured on


Whenever the value of <field> is changed, this is fired. For instance:

// fires 'change:name' as well as 'change'
mymodel.set({name: 'larry'});

Arguments passed:

  • the model being changed
  • the value of the changed field
  • the options passed to the changing function (set, unset, etc)

The first argument of the bound function will be the model, the second is the value of the changed field.


Fired whenever destroy is called on a model. Arguments passed:

  • the model being destroyed
  • the model being destroyed’s collections array
  • the options passed to the destroying function


Fired when the model’s validate function fails when data is being set. Arguments passed:

  • the model the validation error occured on
  • the error that occurred
  • the options passed to the validation function


The model class.

defaults :: attribute({})

Model.defaults is an object that can be used to populate default data into the model on instantiation.

var MyModel = Composer.Model.extend({
    defaults: { name: 'sandra' }
alert('Name: '+ new MyModel().get('name'));

id_key :: attribute(“id”)

Tells the model where to look for the ID when calling id or other ID-related functions.

base_url :: attribute(false)

DEPRECATED. Just use url() instead. Prepended to the model’s ID when doing syncing calls. See get_url.

initialize :: function(data, options)

The model’s constructor. data is a hash object that contains the initial data to set into the model. Sets data into the model via set.

options is a hash object that can be passed in to various operations in the contructor. Note that options can contain silencing directives. The options value is also passed into init.

Note: unless you know what you’re doing, you shouldn’t overwrite the initialize function. Use init instead.

init :: function(options)

Local contructor for the model, passed the options object given to the constructor. If you want any operations to be run when a model is created, this is the function to use.

var MyModel = Composer.Model.extend({
    init: function(options)
        alert(this.get('name') + ' is ' + (options.is_cool ? 'cool' : 'totally not cool'));
new MyModel({name: 'larry'}, {is_cool: true});

get :: function(key, default)

Gets data out of the model by its key. If the value is not present, default is used instead.

var model = new Composer.Model({name: 'larry'});
alert('Data: '+ model.get('name') + ' / ' + model.get('test', 'nope'));

escape :: function(key)

Like get, grabs data out of a model, but escapes it for inclusion in an HTML view.

has :: function(key)

Returns true if the model contains the key in its data.

var model = new Composer.Model({age: 27});
alert('Has key? '+ model.has('age') + ' / ' + model.has('tears'));

set :: function(data, options)

Sets data into the model. data is a hash object of data to set into the model, options is a hash of options.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

This function fires both the change:<field> and change events.

var model = new Composer.Model();
model.bind('change:dogs', function(model, dogs) {
    alert('Dogs: ' + dogs[1] + ', eq: ' + (dogs == this.get('dogs')));
model.set({dogs: ['larry', 'curly', 'moe']});

get / set (a warning)

A common pattern is to grab an object from a model, set a key in it, and set the object back into the model:

var MyModel = Composer.Model.extend({
    set_meta: function(key, value)
        var meta = this.get('meta', {});
        meta[key] = value;
        this.set({meta: meta});

The above seems fine but there’s a problem. Try this:

var MyModel = Composer.Model.extend({
    set_meta: function(key, value)
        var meta = this.get('meta', {});
        meta[key] = value;
        this.set({meta: meta});
var model = new MyModel({meta: {}});

// let us know when the meta changes
model.bind('change:meta', function() { alert('meta changed!'); });

// this should fire our alert!! right?
model.set_meta('updated', true);

Our alert should fire, but for some reason it doesn’t. The reason is because we grab the meta object via Model.get(), which returns an actual reference to the object in the model’s data. When we update that object, we’re actually updating the model’s internal data as well. When we set the object back in via Model.set(), the model checks the data being set against its internal data to look for changes and finds none because the two objects are the same.

To solve this, we need to clone our object we grab from Model.get():

var MyModel = Composer.Model.extend({
    set_meta: function(key, value)
        var meta = Composer.object.clone(this.get('meta', {}));
        meta[key] = value;
        this.set({meta: meta});
var model = new MyModel({meta: {}});

// let us know when the meta changes
model.bind('change:meta', function() { alert('meta changed!'); });

// this should fire our alert!!
model.set_meta('updated', true);

unset :: function(key, options)

Unset an item in a model. key is the key to unset in the model’s data.

This function fires both the change:<field> and change events.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

var model = new Composer.Model({name: 'Scooter'});
alert('Name? '+ model.get('name'));

reset :: function(data, options)

Like set, but removes any data from the model that is absent in data. Useful for replacing a model’s entire data object. Sends out change:<field> events for any removed/changed fields.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

This function fires both the change:<field> and change events.

var model = new Composer.Model();
model.set({name: 'testy', age: 19});
model.bind('change:age', function(model, dogs) {
    alert('Age changed: '+model.get('name')+'/'+model.get('age'));
model.reset({name: 'testy'});

clear :: function(options)

Clear all data from the model.

This function fires both the change:<field> and change events.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

var model = new Composer.Model({name: 'andrew', age: 27});
alert('model data: '+ model.get('name') + ' / '+ model.get('age'));

fetch :: function(options)

This function uses the Composer.sync to grab the model from your app’s API. If successful, the data returned is set into to model.

options can contain the following items:

  • success - callback called if the operation completed successfully
  • error - callback called if operation failed

This function fires both the change:<field> and change events.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

save :: function(options)

This function uses the Composer.sync to save the model to your app’s API. If successful, the data returned is set into to model. Depending on the result of is_new, will perform either a ‘create’ or ‘update’.

options can contain the following items:

  • success - callback called if the operation completed successfully
  • error - callback called if operation failed

This function fires both the change:<field> and change events.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

destroy :: function(options)

This function uses the Composer.sync to delete the model to your app’s API. If successful, the data returned is set into to model.

options can contain the following items:

  • success - callback called if the operation completed successfully
  • error - callback called if operation failed

This function fires both the change:<field> and change events.

Note that options can contain silencing directives.

parse :: function(data)

Replace this function to handle any data returned from your API before it’s set into the model. For instance, if your API returns JSON and your method of calling the API doesn’t parse JSON, you could do it here:

var model = new Composer.Model({id: '1234'});
model.parse = function(data) { return JSON.parse(data); };

id :: function(no_cid)

Returns the model’s id field. If id doesn’t exist, returns the model’s CID. If no_cid is true, returns false if no id field is present.

var model = new Composer.Model({id: '1234'});
alert('ID: ' +;

clone :: function()

Clone a model into a new model.

var model = new Composer.Model({name: 'andrew'});
var clone = model.clone();
alert('Clone '+ clone.get('name') + ' / ' + (clone == model));

toJSON :: function()

Returns a bare copy of the model’s data. Good for passing into views or for serializing into JSON.

var model = new Composer.Model({id: '888', name: 'fisty'});
alert('Data '+ JSON.stringify(model.toJSON()));

validate :: function(data, options)

Validate data passed to the model. This happens whenever dat in the model changes. Return false from this function to signify a success.

url :: function()

Called by Composer before fetch/save/destroy and builds a URL for this model:

var Doge = Composer.Model.extend({
    url: function() {
        var base = '/top-doge';
        if(!this.is_new()) base += '/';
        return base;
Composer.sync = function(action, model, options) {
    alert('Our URL is: '+model.get_url());
    options.success({doge_id: 1, top_doge: true, avatar: ''});
var doge = new Doge({id: 1});

get_url :: function()

DEPRECATED. Use url() instead.

Returns the model’s URL, as it relates to your API. Uses Model.base_url to determine the base, and then appends the ID from there (if it exists).

For instance:

var model = new Composer.Model({id: '69'});
model.base_url = '/users';
alert('URL: '+ model.get_url());

Also, model’s can pull a URL from a collection they exist in. See Collection.url.