

The base object, which extends Composer.Event, is the object that all other components are based off of.


The base class all others extend. All extending objects (model, collection, controller, etc) will have access to these attributes/functions (as well as any functions in the Composer.Event class, which Composer.base extends).

options :: attribute({})

This is an empty object. Extending objects can use this to store various internal options. See set_options.

cid :: function()

Returns the object’s client ID. This is an auto-assigned string value, used to distinguish various objects from each other without having to having to assign them an ID manually.

See Composer.cid.

// grab a cid!
var obj = new Composer.Model();
alert('cid: '+ obj.cid());

set_options :: function(options)

This convenience function makes it easy for objects to set an options object (many times passed into the initialize constructor) into this.options.

var MyObj = Composer.Base.extend({
    initialize: function(options)

var obj = new MyObj({allow_clicks: true});
alert('Allow clicks? '+ obj.options.allow_clicks);