

As mentioned in the intro, eventing is the glue that ties everything in your app together. Actions (and associated data) flow from component to component using events. Instead of your objects needing to know the implementation details of other objects (ie how do I re-render the three views I’m in when my name changes?) objects can just register to listen to events of those they are interested in.

A controller can listen to change events in a model to determine if it should update the view. A controller can listen to events from the view (clicked link, form submitted, etc) and can update its model(s) accordingly.

Events let you wire eveything in your app together while keeping things simple and maintainable.

Built-in events

Many objects (models, collections, controllers, etc) trigger built-in events when certain actions happen on them. For instance, a model triggers a change event when it is updated with new data.

This allows you to listen to events for many common actions in your objects and act accordingly.


When any event is triggered, it also fires an “all” event. This event can be bound to in order to be notified of any events occuring on an object. The “all” event fires with the arguments being the name of the actual event being fired, and the rest of the arguments appended:

var obj = new Composer.Event();
obj.bind('all', function(event, name, age) {
    alert('Event: '+ event + '/' + name + '/' + age);
obj.trigger('change-user', 'andrew', 27);


Many (if not all) built-in events can be silenced during various operations by passing a special object into the triggering function’s options.

This can be done in three ways:

// silence all events
mymodel.set({name: 'andrew'}, {silent: true});

// silence some events
mymodel.set({name: 'andrew'}, {silent: ['change', 'change:name']});

// silence all but some events
mymodel.set({name: 'andrew'}, {not_silent: ['change']});


This is the main class others that need eventing extend. It provides some simple but powerful functions.

bind :: function(event_name, fn, bind_name)

Bind a function to an event on this object. event_name can be any string (ie change, click, etc). Note that event_name can also be an array of strings, and each one will have the same function bound to it.

fn is a function to call when the event is triggered on the object. It can take any number of arguments, which are passed in verbatim from the trigger function.

bind_name is the name of the binding. This is mainly useful when you are binding a function to an event that you don’t want to keep a reference to (an anonymous function, for instance) in the case that you later want to unbind it. Naming allows you to unbind by a unique name instead of keeping the reference to the function.

var obj = new Composer.Event();
obj.bind('hello', function() { alert('Hi!'); });

bind_once :: function(event_name, fn, bind_name)

Exactly like bind, except that once the binding is triggered, it unbinds itself from the object. Note that event_name can be an array of strings, and each one will have the same function bound to it.

This makes it easy to create one-off bindings to event on an object without having to worry about manually unbinding the event.

unbind :: function(event_name, function_or_name)

Unbind an event from an object. event_name is the event name that’s bound and function_or_name is either the reference to fn (passed into bind or bind_once) or the bind_name passed in.

Note that event_name can be an array of strings, and each one will have the same function (or binding name) unbound from it.

If function_or_name is falsy (null, false, etc) then all bindings under event_name are removed.

If event_name is falsy (null, false, etc) then all bindings in the object are removed. All of them.

Example usage:

var obj = new Composer.Event();
var fn = function() { alert('omg'); };

// bind our referenced function
obj.bind('alert', fn);

// bind an anonymous function, and assign the binding a name
obj.bind('yell', function() { alert('AHHHH'); }, 'obj:example:yell');

// bind an array of events
obj.bind(['walk', 'run', 'crawl'], function() { alert('moving...'); }, 'bind-arrays');

// here we unbind using the function reference, which we have to save if we use
// this method
obj.unbind('alert', fn);

// here we unbind using the binding name, which can not only make unbind easy
// (no need to keep a function reference around) but can also be used to
// document the binding in cetain instances
obj.unbind('yell', 'obj:example:yell');

// unbind all 'yell' events

// unbind our array of bindings from above (by name)
obj.unbind(['walk', 'run', 'crawl'], 'bind-arrays');

// unbind ALL EVENTS

trigger :: function(event_name, …)

Trigger an event on an object. event_name can be any string, and any other arguments passed to trigger are available as the arguments the the functions bound with bind.

trigger also fires an event called “all” each time it is called, the arguments of the event being event_name with the other arguments appended. This lets you bind to any event triggering.

var obj = new Composer.Event();
obj.bind('change', function(field) { alert('changed '+ field); });
obj.trigger('change', 'name');