
Controller xdom

New in Composer v1.2 is a Controller feaure we call xdom. It is a patching implementation for the DOM which does a few things:

  1. Instead of replacing the DOM entirely when calling Controller.html(), xdom compares the differences in the HTML being handed to html() and what is currently in the DOM and uses that to patch the DOM. This is a large shift from before, where re-rendering a controller meant actually swapping out all the DOM nodes under Controller.el for new ones. xdom compares the differences and only changes what’s needed.

    This is important because without xdom, you had to be cautious about how to manage state in the DOM while rendering. You had to be careful about how re-rendering might lose certain classes on elements, or how your form fields would lose the values users input into them (or lose focus). This is no longer an issue…calling Controller.html() several times will only update the pieces that have changed and leave everything else untouched.

    What this means is that with xdom, it’s actually much better to re-render as much as possible. You don’t have to apply classes to DOM elements directly. You don’t have to worry about losing form field values. Just re-render and it all works. All of your view state can now live in your templates!

  2. xdom batches calls to Controller.html() so many changes at once are saved up and applied on the browser’s animation frame. This frees you from having to think about the most efficient rendering strategy and allows you to render often without sacrificing performance.

  3. xdom preserves subcontrollers and ListController children. This means if you have a subcontroller attached to a DOM element you created in Controller.html(), that DOM element will be left untouched if you call html again. The old way of doing things, you would have to recreate your tree of subcontrollers if you wanted to re-render. This places a lot of burden on re-rendering and leads to manual DOM manuipulations outside of the render/html functions.

Composer’s xdom can be compared to frameworks like Angular or React, which use Virtual DOM implementations to patch the DOM as changes are made. The difference is we don’t use a Virtual DOM implementation, we just use the DOM itself. Not only is this more efficient in a lot of cases but also creates less of a gap when having to think about building apps. You’re already used to using the DOM. Why should you have to give it up entirely and let a framework manage it for you?

Using xdom

Since Composer strives to maintain backwards compatibility with old versions, you have to explicitely enable xdom. There are two ways to do this. You can enable it on a per-controller basis:

var HiController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    xdom: true,

This is great for existing Composer projects that want to slowly move to the xdom model. Secondly, you can enable xdom for all controllers:


This goes great with a Composer.promisify() call =].

General strategy

In the old days, back before Composer v1.2, re-rendering a Controller that had subcontrollers meant re-creating the subcontroller tree each time. That meant releasing the subcontrollers and initializing them after each render. Same with ListControllers: you had to be careful about re-rendering or the element the ListController injected its children into would disappear.

With xdom, instead of setting up your subcontrollers or tracking on each render, you just set them up once after the first render:

var ExampleController = Composer.ListController.extend({
    xdom: true,

    model: null,
    init: function()
        // this assumes Composer.promisify() has been called
            .then(function() {
                // init your subcontrollers/tracking once after the first render

        // re-render all we want on changes...our subcontrollers/list tracking
        // will not be affected
        this.with_bind(this.model, 'change', this.render.bind(this));

    render: function()
        var html = 'Generate some html';
        return this.html(html);

This simplifies your setup and also makes things a lot more efficient. Instead of destroying/recreating trees of Javascript objects and DOM nodes on each render, you’re creating an initial object/DOM tree and letting xdom make incremental patches to it for you from then on.

This also frees you from having to do DOM updates by hand. Just let your view layer keep the DOM up-to-date and let your Controller focus on tying the DOM/data layer together via eventing.


When using xdom, calling html() will preserve the elements of the sub-controllers. What this means is you can re-render your controller as many times as you want and your sub-controller’s main elements will not be removed from the DOM, even though their DOM tree(s) are not part of your template.

This may change the way you use subcontrollers a bit:

var AnimalController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    tag: 'span',
    model: null,
    init: function()
        // create a simple user model
        this.model = new Composer.Model({name: 'Barky'});

        // re-render on all model changes
        this.with_bind(this.model, 'change', this.render.bind(this));

        // update name every 2-4s
        setInterval(function() {
            var names = ['Barky', 'Purry', 'Hoppy', 'Flappy'];
            var name = names[Math.floor(Math.random() * names.length)];
            this.model.set({name: name});
        }.bind(this), 2000 + (Math.random() * 2000));

    render: function()

var FarmController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    xdom: true,

    elements: {
        '.animal1': 'el_animal1',
        '.animal2': 'el_animal2'

    model: null,
    user: null,

    init: function()
        // create a simple farm model
        this.model = new Composer.Model({date: new Date().toISOString()});

        // Note that xdom:render is triggered whenever xdom actually updates the DOM
        this.bind_once('xdom:render', function() {
            // when our render is complete, create two animal controllers
            this.sub('animal1', function() {
                return new AnimalController({ inject: this.el_animal1 });
            this.sub('animal2', function() {
                return new AnimalController({ inject: this.el_animal2 });

        // re-render on all model changes
        this.with_bind(this.model, 'change', this.render.bind(this));

        // update date every 3s
        setInterval(function() { this.model.set({date: new Date().toISOString()}); }.bind(this), 1000);

    render: function(options)
        var html = [
            '<h3>Animal farm</h3>',
            '<div>The time is '+ this.model.get('date') +'</div>',
            '<div>Our first animal is called <span class="animal1"></span></div>',
            '<div>Our second animal is called <span class="animal2"></span></div>'

        // note that with xdom, we can call this as many times as we want and
        // our subcontrollers' main element is left untouched
        this.html(html, options);

new FarmController({ inject: document.getElementById('sub-xdom') });

So what happened here? We call an initial FarmController.render() from our init() function and have it pass our complete function to html(). Once rendered, we set up our subcontrollers once and from then on we can call render() all we want without having to set up our subcontrollers again.

This is great because we don’t need to completely re-render our entire tree of subcontrollers just because the top one needs to render. We set up our subcontrollers once and can re-render as much as needed after that.


The ListController also plugs into the xdom renderer to make things easier on us. Much like subcontrollers, the ListController lets the rendering system know it should ignore the element it renders its children into so they aren’t removed/overwritten when html() is called again.

It does this by looking for a new option in its track() function called container. Here’s a quick example:

var UserItemController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    tag: 'li',
    xdom: true,
    model: null,

    init: function()

    render: function()
        this.html('My name is '+ this.model.get('name'));

var UsersController = Composer.ListController.extend({
    xdom: true,

    elements: {
        'input[name=name]': 'inp_name',
        'ul': 'el_users'

    events: {
        'submit form': 'add_user'

    model: null,
    collection: null,

    init: function()
        this.model = new Composer.Model();
        this.collection = new Composer.Collection();

        this.render({complete: function() {
            this.track(this.collection, function(model, options) {
                return new UserItemController({
                    // NOTE: options.container can be either this.el_users OR
                    // it can be a DOM fragment the listcontroller is gathering
                    // its children into for efficient rendering
                    inject: options.container,
                    model: model
            }.bind(this), {container: this.el_users});

        // re-render when our model changes
        this.with_bind(this.model, 'change', this.render.bind(this));

    render: function(options)
        var last_user = this.model.get('last')
        var html = [
            '   <input name="name" placeholder="Add a new user">',
            '   <input type="submit" value="Add">',
                (last_user ? '<span>Last user added was: '+ last_user +'</span>' : ''),
        this.html(html, options);

    add_user: function(e)
        var name = this.inp_name.value;
        if(!name) return;
        // add the new user to the list
        this.collection.add({name: name});
        // update our model for "Last user added" display
        this.model.set({last: name});
new UsersController({inject: document.getElementById('lc-xdom')});


Check out some xdom controllers on the examples page.


There are some differences you need to be aware of when using xdom:

  • You need to include some form of DOM diffing library. The default supported library is morphdom. You can hook in your own diffing/patching library if desired.
  • Controller.html() is asynchronous. It passes your DOM element/HTML string off to the xdom rendering system and doesn’t update the Controller’s elements until rendering is complete. See the xdom html() docs for ways to know when rendering is complete.
  • You can still make incremental updates to the DOM after rendering, however with xdom it conceptually makes much more sense to just re-render your controller instead. So if you are used to writing non-xdom controllers, this may be a bit of a paradigm shift in some cases (like when rendering forms, for instance). Re-rendering is (nearly) free, so it’s much better to overuse it.

Tying into xdom

You can hook into various aspects of xdom yourself if you need custom behavior, and can even supply your own DOM patching library if need be.

html()’s options argument

Controller.html() now accepts an options object as its second argument. Options can contain:

  • complete - A function of zero arguments that gets called when rendering has completed for this call of html(). Note that when Composer.promisify() is called, html() returns a promise that resolves when rendering is complete and options.complete is not needed.
  • ignore_elements - An array of existing DOM elements that will not be discarded by xdom should they not match the content being passed to html(). This is how the Controller preserves subcontrollers when re-rendering. You can supply your own elements as well (which will be appended to by html).
  • ignore_children - An array of existing DOM elements whose children will be ignored by xdom if they do not match the content being passed to html(). This is how the ListController preserves child controllers when re-rendering. You can supply your own elements as well (which will be appended to by html).
  • reset_inputs - If set to true, form elements in your view will have their .value and .checked attributes reset to the form default. The default mode of operation is to leave form element values/focus untouched, but there may be cases where you also want a hard reset of the form/template.
  • before_update - a function of the format function(from_element, to_element) that is run just before xdom merges two elements. This is very useful if, say, you have a textarea on your page. The user drags the textarea, expanding it. The next time you render, the style="width: 100px; height: 50px" info will be lost. If you want to preserve it, do something like:
    before_update: function(from, to) {
        if(from.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'textarea') {

Composer.xdom.hooks :: function(options)

If you don’t want to use morphdom (the default supported DOM diffing implementation) you are free to use your own by hooking it into Composer. Simply call Composer.xdom.hooks.

options can contain the following items:

  • diff - A function (function(from_element, to_element, options)) that takes two DOM elements and returns a diff between them. The result of this function will be passed directly to patch. options is passed down from Controller.html().
  • patch- A function (function(root_element, diff, options)) that takes a root DOM element to apply the patch to, a diff created by the diff function, and a set of options (passed down from Controller.html()).

Keep in mind that if implementing your own DOM patching system, you will want to implement the available options that Controller.html() handles for everything to function properly. For an idea of how this is done, check out the xdom section of src/adapter.js in the current codebase.