
A form in a controller

Let’s now monitor a form with a controller and update any saved data back into our heroic model.

// create a simple dog model
var Dog = Composer.Model.extend({});

// create a controller to show a dog in our view
var ShowDogController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    elements: {
        'input[name=name]': 'inp_name'

    events: {
        'submit form': 'submit'

    model: false,

    init: function()
        if(!this.model) return this.release();
        this.with_bind(this.model, 'change', this.render.bind(this));

    render: function()
        // we're going to inject data directly into the view. this is the simple
        // way to do things, but is vulnerable to XSS attacks. in general, use a
        // real templating engine to avoid such things =]
        var data = this.model.toJSON();
        var html = '';
        html += '<h3>This dog\'s name is '+ +'</h3>';
        html += '<form>';
        html += 'Rename dog: <input type="text" name="name" value="">';
        html += '<br>';
        html += '<input type="submit" value="Change dog name">';
        html += '</form>';
        // focus on the input element
        setTimeout(function() { this.inp_name.focus(); }.bind(this), 100);

    submit: function(e)
        if(e) e.preventDefault();
        var name = this.inp_name.value;

        // save the name back into the dog. this fires our "change" event, which
        // re-renders
        this.model.set({name: name});

var dog = new Dog({name: 'timmy'});
var controller = new ShowDogController({
    inject: '#form-example',
    model: dog
Composer.find(document, '#form-example').className += ' enabled';