
Simple TODO app

Here it is, the obligatory javascript MVC framework TODO app. However, ours is better than everyone else’s because it uses Composer. There are swaths of emperical evidence to support this claim (which we will link to at a later time).

Until then, here’s the app (click “Try it” to load):

// The todo model. Each instance of this class represents one todo
var Todo = Composer.Model.extend({
    defaults: {
        name: '',
        complete: false

// A collection that is used to hold any number of todo models.
var TodosList = Composer.Collection.extend({
    model: Todo

// The controller responsible for displaying a todo. It also handles editing and
// marking a todo as complete.
var TodoItemController = Composer.Controller.extend({
    tag: 'li',
    className: 'clear',

    events: {
        'dblclick h3': 'edit_todo',
        'submit form.edit': 'do_edit_todo',
        'click input[type=checkbox]': 'toggle_complete',
        'click a.delete': 'delete_todo',

    elements: {
        'h3': 'title',
        'form.edit': 'edit_form',
        'form.edit input[type=text]': 'inp_edit_name'

    model: null,

    init: function()
        // on model change, re-display
        this.with_bind(this.model, 'change', this.render.bind(this));

        // when model is destroyed (aka deleted) release this controller (pull its
        // "this.el" out of the DOM)
        this.with_bind(this.model, 'destroy', this.release.bind(this));

        // initial display

    render: function()
        // render the HTML for the todo. Note that we are doing it by hand, but
        // you are welcome to use a templating engine if it pleases you.
            '<input type="checkbox" '+ (this.model.get('complete', false) ? 'checked' : '') +'/>'+
            '<form class="edit">'+
            '    <input type="text" value="'+this.model.get('name')+'" />'+
            '    <input type="submit" />'+
            '<div class="actions">'+
            '    <a class="delete" href="#delete-''">X</a>'+

        // switch off the edit form
        this.edit_form.setStyle('display', 'none');

        // set the proper top-level class
        if(this.model.get('complete', false))

    edit_todo: function(e)
        if(e) e.stop();

        // hide title, display edit form
        this.edit_form.setStyle('display', 'block');
        this.title.setStyle('display', 'none');

    do_edit_todo: function(e)
        if(e) e.stop();
        var name    =    this.inp_edit_name.value;
        if(name == this.model.get('name'))
            // the new name is the same as the name, switch the form out for the
            // title
            this.edit_form.setStyle('display', 'none');
            this.title.setStyle('display', '');
            // set the new name back into the model. no need to worry about
            // setting the form to display: none since the view is about to
            // re-render anyways once it detects this change.
            this.model.set({name: name});

    toggle_complete: function(e)
        if(e) e.stop();

        var complete    =    this.model.get('complete', false);
        this.model.set({complete: !complete});

    delete_todo: function(e)
        if(e) e.stop();

        // this, among other things, triggers the model's "destroy" event, which
        // the controller binds to in init().

// Loads and runs the Todo application. In most sufficiently complicated apps,
// the top-level object most likely won't need to be a Controller, but in this
// specific case it makes sense because the app fits nicely into the mold of
// needing a controller.
var TodoAppController = Composer.ListController.extend({
    el: '#todo-container .app',

    events: {
        'submit form': 'add_todo',
        'click .clear-complete': 'clear_complete'

    elements: {
        'form input[type=text]': 'inp_name',
        '.info .left': 'num_left',
        '.info .clear-complete': 'clear_btn',
        'ul.todos': 'todo_list'

    // collection holding our Todos
    todos: null,

    init: function()
        // instantiate our list of todos and bind our needed events to it
        this.todos    =    new TodosList();

        // track the todo list. whenever a model is added, we'll create
        // a new subcontroller (TodoItemController) that renders the model for
        // us. if a model is removed, the controller wrapping it is released.
        this.track(this.todos, function(model) {
            return new TodoItemController({
                inject: this.todo_list,
                model: model

        // call update_info whenever anything happens in the collection
        this.with_bind(this.todos, 'all', this.update_info.bind(this));

        // render the app

    render: function()
        // create the main HTML for the app and set it into this.el (the same
        // as "#todo-container .app")
            '<form class="add">'+
            '    <input type="text" name="name" placeholder="What do you have to do?" />'+
            '    <input type="submit"/>'+
            '<ul class="todos"></ul>'+
            '<div class="info clear">'+
            '    <span class="left"></span>'+
            '    <button class="clear-complete">Clear Completed</button>'+

        // manually update the info display

        return this;

    add_todo: function(e)
        if(e) e.stop();
        var todotxt    =    this.inp_name.value;
        if(todotxt.clean() == '') return false;

        // create a Todo model with the given data
        var todo    =    new Todo({name: todotxt});

        // add the Todo model to our Todo collection (which will in turn display the
        // todo item since the collection is "tracked"
        this.todos.add(new Todo({name: todotxt}));

        this.inp_name.value    =    '';

    clear_complete: function(e)
        if(e) e.stop();

        // find all "complete" todos and .destroy() them >=]{complete: true}).each(function(m) { m.destroy(); });

    update_info: function()
        // update our "X items left..." text
        var num_left    ={complete: false}).length;
        this.num_left.set('html', '<strong>'+num_left+'</strong> items in your list.');

        // show or hide the "Clear completed" button based on whether any todos
        // are marked as complete or not.
        var num_complete    ={complete: true}).length;
        if(num_complete > 0)
            this.clear_btn.setStyle('visibility', '');
            this.clear_btn.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden');

// show the container
Composer.find(document, '#todo-container').style.display = 'block';

// load it!
new TodoAppController();